For me, December is Christmas - so all the games I get in the 12th month I consider to be part of my Christmas! Well, that being my definition, the following games were my 2010 "Christmas games":
* Antics
* 7 Wonders
* Small World: Be Not Afraid expansion
* Navegador
* Power Grid: Russia/Japan expansion
Thus far, I've played Antics and 7 Wonders. Navegador and PG:R&J didn't arrive until Christmas eve, so they haven't had a chance at making it to the table.
Antics - has 3 plays and went on hold when 7 Wonders arrived a week or so later. I really enjoy this game and find it to be free of luck, but with a bit of chaos in that other players can really mess up your plans.
7 Wonders - After 4 plays it seems to live up to the hype. Not a deep game, but one that plays quickly (after a slower first game), and accommodates up to 7 players. More than a filler, but neither is it the "main game of the night" IMO, unless you plan to play 7 Wonders about 2-3 times back-to-back (and I find that a satisfying evening).
I highly recommend both games and look forward to getting Navigador played.