I suppose Troyes was the most anticipated, and after receiving it on the 6th of January I've managed to get three games played. My take? The more I play it, the more I like it. In fact, I think it's VERY good, although it has not been as highly received by other members of our gaming group.
There's a lot going on in Troyes (by the way, it is pronounced something akin to Trr-WAH, while rolling the r's). It's a dice rolling game that doesn't feel like a dice game at all. The reason is that you can buy and use other people's dice as well as manipulate your own. And, low numbers can serve as well as high numbers. But it's not ALL about dice, nor is that even the main thing in the game. The winner is not necessarily the one with the best rolls - but the one who best utilizes everyone's dice and who makes the best decisions in the game. In fact, this game leaves me no sense that it is a game of luck.
Briefly, a turn consists of:
1. Turning over Action 3 cards (red, white, yellow), each of which give special benefits when dice of a matching color are placed on them.
2. Rolling a number of dice (red, white, yellow) depending on the matching number of "meeples" you have in the red, yellow, white buildings.
3. Turning over a Red Event color and either a White or Yellow Event card as well.
4. Resolving the Event cards (in some cases bad things happen to all or some players; in other cases black dice have to be rolled and players must "use" some of the dice they rolled in step 2 to offset the black dice 0 and by doing so they gain Influence points.
5. Take actions by using (in turn order) their own or other people's dice. Actions include:
a. placing "meeples" in buildings (red, white, yellow) as per the dice used (yours or others). If using other player's dice, you pay them depending on how many total dice you use.
b. placing a die or dice (yours or others) on action cards and taking the action allowed
c. placing a die or dice (yours or others) in the Agriculture field to earn money
d. using a die/dice (yours/others) to construct the town Cathedral
e. using a die/dice (yours/others) to resolve an Event Card.
After everyone has taken all their actions and passed, or after all dice have been used, the turn ends
Then a second turn begins. A game lasts 4, 5, or 6 turns depending on the number of players. What makes the game for me are the many choices you have each turn. In my first 3 games i have not felt that I am anywhere NEAR "solving" it or developed a winning strategy. Further, since their are 27 Action cards, and only 9 are used in each game, you will never have two games exactly alike. Further, the dice will always be different offering you many delicious choices on your turn.
Temporary rating for me? A 9. Of course, I'm aware of the "new game" effect on ratings. Thus, I will not make an "official" rating until I've played it at least 10 times.
I did not get a copy of London until January 26 (two days before writing this), so have not had a chance to play it. I did set it up and have walked through two or three turns for 3 "players" while reading the rules. Am anxious to play, and it looks good (though I didn't get the "Essen Special Edition." Nevertheless, am anxious to play it. I will continue this review once it has been played.