Welcome to Frank's Games

This blog is where I talk about games, write gaming session reports, review my favorite Euro Games, and occasionally provide news on upcoming releases. 
I hope you enjoy it. If you're new to this kind of gaming, and are interested in learning more, I would be glad to hear from you. I encourage you to subscribe and get email notification of any additions I make to my blog.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Playing Agricola Online

I recently found an online site for playing Agricola! So far I've only played it twice, solitaire. I think you can play it multi-player (but live, not email). The interface is a bit fiddly, and there's a lot to fit on a single computer screen, but each card, board, etc. can be zoomed so that you can see them. I still fumble around with the interface, but have started to catch on. I've really enjoyed my first two games. Scored 47 points last night.
If interested, check it out at  


once we have enough of us there, we could possibly set up a multi-player game.

I only wish it was turn-based. 

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