Welcome to Frank's Games

This blog is where I talk about games, write gaming session reports, review my favorite Euro Games, and occasionally provide news on upcoming releases. 
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Friday, January 2, 2009

My Nickel & Dimes For 2008

Each year I keep a record of games played and at the end of the year note those games I've played at least 10 times (Dimes) and those played 5 or more times (Nickels).  So here is a quick overview of my 2008 gaming statistics.

Total games played - 270
Total different games played - 47
Month with most games played - November, 42

10's - 
Race for the Galaxy - 115  (42% of all games played this year!)
Dominion - 40
Agricola - 21
Hacienda - 12

5's - 
Attika - 8
Crokinole - 7
Kingsburg - 6

My favorite new game for 2008? The stats give a great indication. It would be hard for me to pick between Race for the Galaxy, Dominion, and Agricola. I know of no other year when I enjoyed so many new games. Add to those three games - Tinners' Trail. 

Race for the Galaxy and Dominion are both quick games, lasting under 30 minutes. Yet, they have the feel of a deeper game. Here is a rare achievement. I know of few games that give the impression of depth in such a short time - as Race and Dominion.

Agricola is unique in that 1) it can be played solitaire, 2) it is a complex game - not in mechanics, but in the myriads of choices available in a turn. This one is a sure classic. Unique - like no other I know of.

Thus - a great year with 3 great games and a very good one (Tinners' Trail).

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