Welcome to Frank's Games

This blog is where I talk about games, write gaming session reports, review my favorite Euro Games, and occasionally provide news on upcoming releases. 
I hope you enjoy it. If you're new to this kind of gaming, and are interested in learning more, I would be glad to hear from you. I encourage you to subscribe and get email notification of any additions I make to my blog.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Games I've Played The Most (as of March 2010)

One of the great things about Board Game Geek (boardgamegeek.com) is that you can record every game you play along with details (players, score, recap, etc.). Recently I checked to see which games I'd played the most since I started posting to the site. The following is a table of my top 17 most played games (an odd number, but that's how many games I've played 15 or more times). This doesn't exactly equate with my all-time favorites, as some games are extremely quick to play and I can play it 5-6 times in a single night. However, the first and second most played games (Attika and Race For The Galaxy) would be on my all-time favorites list, as would Settlers (#7) and Agricola (#8). However, other top 10 favorites don't make the list, most notably - Power Grid. But this is because it's a fairly long game.

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