Welcome to Frank's Games

This blog is where I talk about games, write gaming session reports, review my favorite Euro Games, and occasionally provide news on upcoming releases. 
I hope you enjoy it. If you're new to this kind of gaming, and are interested in learning more, I would be glad to hear from you. I encourage you to subscribe and get email notification of any additions I make to my blog.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Play (Euro) Games!

Some might think it funny that an "old man" still likes to play games! But "board gaming" has been my life-long hobby. Now, I'm not talking Monopoly, Parcheesi, and Scrabble; nor am I talking Trivial Pursuit, Cranium, and other "quiz or party" games. My brand of gaming is grounded in Germany and Europe. I play "Euro" games. Euros are different from typical American games in several respects.
1) They play in 20 minutes to 2 hours.
2) The rules are generally very simple to digest (there are obvious exceptions)
3) The "bits" (playing pieces) are of high quality - wooden pieces, beautiful boards without the pronounced "valley" where they fold, quality cards, beautiful art.
4) They are strategy games that require differing levels of planning and thinking.
5) They are usually "non-conflict" games (you do not win by hurting/attacking the other players, but by being the most efficient/effective in managing your hand or position on the board. 
6) The designers names are printed on the games, and become well known in the Euro gaming scene.

There is an entire community of Euro gamers world-wide who connect via the internet (where they write reviews and "session reports" of games played, post rules & pictures of new games, etc.); and connect through Board Game Conventions (I attend 2-3 a year). Usually you will meet game designers at these "Cons" and get to try out the new games even before they are published! 

There is a huge show in Essen, Germany every October during which the new releases are on display, and over 100,000 people flood the exhibit halls to play the latest offerings. Games are "rated" by the hard-core gaming community on the boardgamegeek.com website.

I currently own about 300 games, and serve as the co-organizer of Tar River Gamers (a gaming club in Rocky Mount). We play every Monday night at Via Cappuccino (coffee house). We currently have around 25 members. 

My favorite games include - 
* Agricola
* Attika
* Race For The Galaxy
* Settlers of Catan
* Euphrat & Tigris
* Tinners Trail
* Hacienda
* Power Grid
* Dominion
Most are not well known in the USA (though Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride are starting to break through to the mass market crowd). 

If you're interested in finding these games, contact me. There are thousands of games and most look good, and "newbies" will have no idea what to buy. I can steer you away from the "dogs" and help you find the really great ones. Purchasing is easy via online stores (you seldom find these games in brick-and-morter stores). If you want to jump right in go to www.gamesurplus.com and order from Thor and Sarah Samuelson. Tell them Frank H sent you. They are great people to deal with. But I will be happy to give you advice as I have knowledge of the vast majority of them - knowing some of the designers, publishers, and play-testers. 

It's a great hobby, and has been a great way for me to meet people and get involved in their lives! Further, it is a great Family activity. Germans put a great emphasis on families playing games together at night and so these games are great for moms, dads, and children from 10 years old and up. There is also a complete line of children's games but I am a bit out of touch with that grouping.

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